Our exclusive holiday home has 7 apartments which are just a few steps away from the center of Auronzo di Cadore, near the ski lifts.
Immersed in an oasis of peace, surrounded by forests and some of the most beautiful Dolomiti mountain groups, with Tre Cime di Lavaredo in the background, the holiday home is the ideal destination for relaxing and a sporting holiday.
Our apartments will be your perfect partner in order to make the most of the numerous possibilities offered.
Vecellio Taiarezze Family
It's time for adventure!
Discovering true corners of PARADISE!
Breathtaking mountains, with over 200 kilometers of marked trails, relaxing hikes or challenging trails, accommodating huts where you can enjoy the most unique views in the world. What’s better than that?
We are in the heart of the Dolomites
Are you looking for an apartment to suit your needs?
Our HOLIDAY HOME is the best choice for you: it has an exclusive location near the ski slopes and it makes a great starting point for excursions and hiking.
Our APARTMENTS are ideal for spending holidays with your family or friends and enjoying the space and comfort like in your own home.
Nature is the main star, 365 days a year.
You can ski on perfectly prepared slopes, experience scenic trails by foot or bike, get close to nature and so much more!
Here you will feel the excitement every day.
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